Chad Ballentine, formerly of CapMetro, joins SpareLearn More

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Integrating NEMT

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation for those needing reliable transportation to and from hospitals and clinics.

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    Powering the world’s leading transportation companies and transit agencies

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    Share vehicles with other services

    With Spare Fleets, you can use the same vehicle for both microtransit and NEMT at the same time! This helps to maximize efficiency and get rid of idle vehicles.

    Share vehicles with other services

    Cut costs with automated trip brokering

    No more manual dispatching! Spare Launch connects many fleets together and automatically dispatches trips to dedicated and non-dedicated drivers.

    Automated trip brokering

    Book trips by arrival time

    With Spare Engine you can offer riders an option to book by arrival time. This ensures that riders arrive on time for their appointments.

    Book trips by arrival time

    Reduce the burden on paratransit

    A highly functioning NEMT program can greatly reduce the stress put on your paratransit program, freeing up paratransit vehicles for those most in need.

    Burden on paratransit

    Customer Stories

    Learn how we're impacting communities around the world.