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Spare and UZURV partner to transform paratransit services

Spare has partnered with UZURV to enable transit agencies to expand their fleet capacity to meet the evolving paratransit transportation needs.

Jeff Swan

Spare has partnered with UZURV, the Adaptive Transportation Network Company (Adaptive TNC), enabling transit agencies to expand their fleet capacity to meet the evolving paratransit transportation needs.

“We are committed to helping transit agencies provide reliable and cost-effective paratransit rides through innovative partnerships,” said Kristoffer Vik Hansen, CEO, Spare. “Our partnership with UZURV provides transit agencies a gateway to a deep network of fleets to efficiently improve paratransit rider experience.”

UZURV and Spare partner together

As part of this partnership, Spare has integrated its Open Fleets module, a technology connecting transit agencies with multiple fleet providers through a single platform, with UZURV’s Adaptive TNC model.

Through this integration, transit agencies can access existing flexible networks of fleets and fully FTA-compliant drivers, robust real-time insight into third-party fleets, and transparent reporting across both dedicated and non-dedicated trip providers.

“Our mission at UZURV is to expand transportation opportunities for people with disabilities and older adults through our Mobility Platform and innovative, fully FTA-compliant, TNC model,” said John Donlon, Chief Executive Officer of UZURV. “Leveraging our respective technologies, UZURV and Spare are able to provide exceptional tools to our agency partners for easy service integration, transparent performance reporting, and improved efficiencies.”

This unique integration is already helping transit agencies in the US address the challenges of driver shortages and increasing gas prices without additional operational costs.