Spare's paratransit and microtransit services unaffected by CrowdStrike outage

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System Data Processors

This page lists current subprocessors used by Spare. This list is maintained to ensure our customers and users are provided with updated information on third parties that we use to deliver our services.

Data Processors

  • Aiven LTD: Cloud storage management
  • Google LLC (GCP): Cloud computing, storage, and networking; physical security of hardware.
  • Functional Software, Inc (Sentry): System error logging.
  • Twilio Inc.: Transmission of SMS, phone calls.
  • Stripe, Inc.: Payment processing platform.
  • MessageBird: Transmission of SMS, phone calls.
  • Sendgrid: Transmission of email.
  • Zapier: Custom-built data integrations enabled upon customer request.
  • Dialpad: Transmission and storage of phone calls with riders for customers of Spare Call Center.
  • Slack: Internal workplace communications platform.
  • Intercom: Chat support platform.
  • Freshdesk: Email support platform.
  • Mixpanel: Application utilization tracking.
  • OpenAI: Service provider for AI-enabled functionality. Limited to organizations that have opted-in or are based in the United States.
  • Retell.AI: Interactive voice AI platform.

Please note that the Spare system offers many optional integrations. However, in all of these instances, customers “bring their own” account and Spare simply facilitates the linking of the systems. For these integrations, both Spare and the external provider remain independent Data Processors that the Data Controller has configured to share information.

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