Chad Ballentine, formerly of CapMetro, joins SpareLearn More

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Optimizing First-Mile/Last-Mile

Transportation streamlining trips to and from transit hubs, connecting riders with their end destination.

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    Powering the world’s leading transportation companies and transit agencies

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    DCTA logo
    Durham Region Transit logo

    Connect riders with transit hubs

    Efficiently connect riders starting or ending destination with the main fixed-routes that power their trips.


    Designed for multi-modality

    Microtransit is just one component of a transit system. Spare Platform enables you to connect the microtransit trip to a transit rider’s journey.


    Accessibility for every rider

    On-demand is a mobility solution for the whole community, including those who require additional mobility aids.


    Modernizing transit systems

    As customer expectations continue to rise, so should the quality of their transit system. Microtransit is a modern solution that enables more riders to get out of their cars and into the public transit system.


    Increase ridership

    Tap into a set of riders that wouldn’t ordinarily use public transportation and increase your ridership as a result!


    Reduce peak congestion

    Encourage more commuters to use public transit at peak hours resulting in lower traffic congestion and improved travel times for all.


    Free up parking

    Reduce the amount of parking needed at transit hubs and at the end destination by providing an efficient travel option to and from the station.



    Learn how we're impacting communities around the world.