Spare's paratransit and microtransit services unaffected by CrowdStrike outage

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Driving public transit forward

How automated on-demand transit can save transit agencies and provide more efficient, equitable and connected transportation for all.

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    Illustration of person reading on-demand transit report

    The report lands February 23. Be the first to read it.

    By entering your email, you agree to receive emails from Spare.

      The state of on-demand transit in 2021

      In Spare’s first annual industry report, we combined operational data, rider surveys, real-world examples and insight from transit experts to provide a portrait of where on-demand is at and where it’s going.

      An on-demand playbook

      Learn how transit agencies can adopt microtransit and paratransit services or modernize their current operations with data-driven systems

      A car driving to pick up microtransit and paratransit passengers

      Top trends and insights

      Track how the industry grew in 2020 and adapted to changes brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic

      Industry growth chart

      Impact report on-demand transit

      Find out how on-demand transit encourages a modal shift, creates public transportation demand, leads to more diversity and inclusion, and shortens travel times

      A busy city with people carrying out their daily activities

      An eye toward the future

      Foresee how automated, data-driven on-demand transit can improve overall service efficiency, transportation equity and the rider experience

      A series of maps showing the expansion of on-demand transit

      The report lands February 23. Be the first to read it.

      By entering your email, you agree to receive emails from Spare.