Chad Ballentine, formerly of CapMetro, joins SpareLearn More

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Your community’s path towards sustainability

As we grow, we remain committed to our core principles of transparency, accessibility and sustainability. This means creating solutions that are easy-to-use and affordable, and that spread the benefit of transit to everyone – not just a lucky few.

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    Impact graphic

    By joining Spare, you are making an impact

    As a steward

    See how you can maximize your positive impact on your community and the planet

    As a simplifier

    See how you can make it easier to operate and use transit – for everyone

    As an efficiency champion

    See how you can cut the cost of transit

    As a steward

    Stewards of the planet and the community

    We take pressing issues like social isolation and climate change seriously. We design services that maximize positive benefits for the environment and for the communities with which we work.



    Emissions are reduced by 6–50% when microtransit is introduced. We’re working on calculating our own emissions footprint: watch this space!



    Encouraging older adults to use transit reduces loneliness by 12–60%.



    Transport-related physical activity increases by 30 min per week when convenient transit is introduced.

    Rider Satisfaction

    Rider Satisfaction

    Up to 75% of riders feel safer and more satisfied with their experience using microtransit compared to transit.

    As a simplifier

    Committed to ease

    By going mobile, using advanced UX/UI, and sharing our advanced algorithms with an Open API, we digitize mobility. We make it easy as pie to launch, operate and use microtransit.

    Time from booking to pickup
    As an efficiency champion

    Making transit more affordable

    Our cutting-edge algorithms make transit efficient, which helps to drastically cut operational costs for transit agencies. This creates a virtuous circle of affordability that benefits riders as well as wider society.

    Operational cost

    Transit Operation Costs

    Spare’s services have decreased the cost per ride in some cities by up to 65%.

    Capital cost

    Transit Capital Costs

    Capital costs of running a microtransit service are up to 90% lower than running an equivalent fixed-line service.

    Transport spending

    Rider Transport Spending

    Riders spend 81% less on transportation when they switch from driving cars to riding microtransit.

    Missed workdays

    Rider Missed Workdays

    Worker absenteeism decreases by 20% when commutes are shorter and more efficient.