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Data Residency for Spare

Data residency for Spare allows global teams to choose the region where certain types of data at rest are stored.

Here's what you need to know about data residency:

  • Customers must store all Spare data in a single region.
  • Only available on the Data and Access package
  • Contact our Sales team to inquire about data residency for your organization.
  • Data Residency features are still in active development and will be generally available in beginning of 2023.

Note: The data residency feature does not change any aspects of Spare other than the data storage location. Spare will continue to store and process all other categories of data in accordance with your written agreement for Spare Services and Spare’s Privacy Policy.

How data residency for Spare works

Data stored in the data region

The following categories of customer data will be stored at rest in a data center within the Customer’s selected region as of the date data residency is enabled:

  • Operational information (requests, duties, services, zones, vehicles, vehicle location information)
  • Rider, driver, admin information (names, emails, phone numbers, favorite locations, etc.)
  • Spare Pay information (charges, tip policies, etc)
  • Spare Engage information (cases, custom field information)
  • Files (ex., images, docs, etc.) uploaded to the Spare Service
  • Search index of Customer Data

Data stored outside the data region

Spare does not store any personal data outside of the customer's data region. The following categories of data may be processed and stored in regions outside of the customer’s data region:

  • User identifiers and organization membership identifiers
  • Data used to measure usage, and revenue
  • Data used for analytics and to measure quality of service, ex. sanitized logs and metrics

Data migration

If a new organization is set up in a data residency region, customer data will be stored in the selected region starting the date the org is created. For existing customers wishing to enable data residency, all newly generated user data will reside in the selected region. Existing user data will continue to reside in the Canada, but the customer can request to migrate existing data to their selected data region by contacting our Sales team.

Shared fleets

Shared Fleets is a feature that allows multiple organizations to be connected and share trip related data. Both organizations have to be co-located in the same data region in order to enable this functionality.