Spare's paratransit and microtransit services unaffected by CrowdStrike outage

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How automated on-demand transit can save transit agencies and provide more efficient, equitable and connected transportation for all.

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    Illustration of person reading on-demand transit report

    An on-demand playbook

    Learn how transit agencies can adopt microtransit and paratransit services or modernize their current operations with data-driven systems

    A car driving to pick up microtransit and paratransit passengers

    Our Contributors

    Josh Andrews

    Josh Andrews @ Spare

    As Spare’s Chief Operating Officer and product owner, Josh is leading the development of Spare Engage and has a deep understanding of paratransit technology and the different pain points transit agencies face every day.

    Corey Reid

    Corey Reid @ Spare

    In his role as Growth Manager, Corey’s in touch with Spare’s transit agencies on a daily basis. His on-the-ground knowledge helps inform product development about the features needed to improve paratransit services.

    Smart Detroit

    Daniel Whitehouse @ Smart Detroit

    As the Manager of Connector Services for SMART in Metro Detroit with extensive paratransit expertise, Daniel is intimately aware of the challenges riders and transit agencies face and is constantly seeking to overcome them.


    Bill Schwartz @ Nelson\Nygaard

    An expert on Americans with Disabilities Act compliance for paratransit, having helped the Federal Transit Administration produce its ADA Circular, Bill brings a wealth of transit agency knowledge in how different transit agencies manage paratransit eligibility data.

    The report lands February 23. Be the first to read it.