Spare's paratransit and microtransit services unaffected by CrowdStrike outage


Q2 Product Update: Stay in the know

Keeping riders informed, introducing paratransit support features, and game changing tools to optimize your service. Here’s what’s on deck in the Spare platform this quarter.

Cameron Stone

With one month left in Q2, we are excited to share with you some of the game-changing tools and features that we've been working on. Our mission remains steadfast: to empower transit agencies to deliver efficient, accessible, and personalized services to riders. To this end, we have focused on three overarching themes: enhancing rider communication, supporting the future of paratransit services, and optimizing service efficiency.

Recent Releases: An Informed Rider is a Happy Rider

We understand that information is power, especially for riders navigating public transit systems. So we’ve introduced a suite of tools that enable your agency to communicate effectively and promptly with riders.

Communicate to your riders en masse

The ability to send out important updates and announcements is critical in keeping riders informed and engaged. With the launch of our Bulk Messaging feature, agencies can now send campaigns through various channels including SMS, push notifications, phone calls, or emails. This ensures every rider is aware of important service updates.

Define do not disturb windows

We’re also mindful of the importance of respecting riders’ personal time. With our Do Not Disturb Windows, you can define specific periods when notifications are not sent, ensuring a thoughtful, user-centric transit service.

No mobile apps, no problem

Every rider is unique and that means there should be a variety of ways to book and adjust rides. Leveraging the latest advancements in artificial intelligence, we’re excited to add a new interface for riders who prefer to check ETAs, book and cancel rides via voice commands or SMS text messages. Intelligent Voice (BETA) opens up a new way for riders to interact with their upcoming trips without needing to access a mobile app and to receive the convenience of immediate replies. Currently in the beta phase, this exciting feature allows riders to check ETAs and cancel rides by calling or texting, with additional booking capabilities coming soon.

And several others

That’s not all! We want to ensure you reach riders at the right time and in their preferred method. A few features are under development that will help with this including Language & Channel Preferences and Conditional Notifications.

Recent Releases: Supporting The Future of Paratransit

We are deeply committed to making transit accessible for all. That’s why we’ve rolled out features that support paratransit services and make them more efficient.

Redefining paratransit & eligibility management

Our Engage Reports and Case Timers features take the guesswork out of paratransit eligibility applications and reporting. These tools ensure that you stay compliant with regulations and deadlines while providing top-tier service to all riders.

In the near future, we’re also excited to kick off the latest in our partnership with Lyft – an integration with Lyft Assisted.

Lastly, our soon-to-be-launched Booking Conditionally Eligible Rides feature will empower your reservationists by providing critical information right where they need it—improving service quality and rider satisfaction.

Recent Releases: Run an Efficient Service

You only have so much time in the day! Spare’s tools are here to make your decision making quicker, automate routine tasks, and create an efficient service. We’ve launched a number of new tools that give superpowers to service planners, dispatchers and operation teams.

Fine tune system performance and rider experience in real-time

Our new Optimization Insights feature is a game-changer. It enables you to run simulations using real trip data from your organization, allowing you to make informed decisions about service adjustments. No more guesswork—just data-driven decisions!

Improved flexibility windows to better managing arrive-by trips

We’re also helping you enhance the reliability of your paratransit service with Improved Flexibility Windows. Track consistent pickup windows for each ride and monitor on-time performance with ease.

Fewer steps to submit NTD reporting

Lastly, we know that regulatory reporting can often be a burden, but a necessity. Our Smooth NTD Reporting Tools aim to ease the burden for our US-based customers. New report metrics, filters, and the ability to download data separately for each day of week & fleet are now yours to try!

There are also a few upcoming features that we expect your team will love, including Driver & Dispatch Communication and an Upgraded Driver App Navigation.

Just the tip of the iceberg

Our recent advancements are testament to our ongoing effort to improve communication, enabling agencies to interact with riders more effectively. Our features provide timely information and allow agencies to respect the personal space of riders while keeping them well-informed.

In our quest to enhance efficiency, we've integrated data-driven insights and performance tracking tools. Our aim is not just to improve service reliability, but to provide agencies with resources that help them refine their operations in real-time.

And lastly, we believe in an inclusive transit system and have introduced features that help you advance equal access to mobility.

This journey, to us, is more than a series of product updates—it's a sincere commitment to making public transit more efficient, accessible, and user-friendly. We're grateful for the opportunity to serve our customers, and we look forward to continuing this journey of innovation together. Your feedback is valuable to us and we're always eager to hear your thoughts as we move forward!

Interested in learning more about these exciting new features in an interactive setting? Be sure to join us for our upcoming Q2 product webinar on June 29 at 11 am PST/2 pm EST.