Chad Ballentine, formerly of CapMetro, joins Spareもっと詳しく知る

Jerome Mayaud


Jerome Mayaud

Jerome leads the growing data science team at Spare and is the driving force behind Spare Realize, Spare’s cutting edge microtransit planning tool. He holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Science from the University of Oxford and an MPhil in Polar Studies from the University of Cambridge. Prior to joining Spare, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of British Columbia, where he worked on computational simulations of smart cities and epidemiological research.

Levelling the transit playing field image

Levelling the transit playing field: The game-changing impact of demand-responsive transportation

Transportation equity is top of the agenda for many public transit agencies. For decades, a variety of marginalized populations have had limited access to reliable and affordable transportation options, but today, innovative uses of data and technology are starting to level the playing field. Demand-responsive transportation (DRT) – Spare’s bread and butter – is a key part of the story.

Transit planning

Transit planning decoded

What is transit planning and how do data-rich tools enable agencies to deliver more sustainable, profitable and equitable systems?

Microtransit is reshaping the modal split, replacing traditional transit forms

On-demand microtransit is reshaping the modal split

We surveyed our riders and found that introducing microtransit induces a significant amount of new trips, removes private vehicle trips from our roads, and provides a safer and more convenient transit experience.

Cover image showcasing ridership change over time

Microtransit, pandemic and protests: A story of resilience

The shocks of the COVID-19 crisis and the BLM protests have been testing for the transit industry. By digging into our ridership data from around the world, we find that microtransit services have bounced back quicker than mass transit.

The future that never happened

The Future that Never Happened

Come on a journey with us. Explore the difficulties and opportunities in unravelling cause and effect, within the scope of an on-demand transit system! Jerome Mayaud Jerome Mayaud Lead Data Scientist at Spare More posts by Jerome Mayaud.

Old picture of train rails

Flipping Transit on Its Head: Part I

In many parts of the world, fixed route transit is in dire straits. We propose a radical new idea to reverse its decline: use microtransit data to smartly redesign fixed transit routes.